Birju Caught On Tape, At One Web Day!
--Nipun Mehta
1 minute read
Nov 27, 2007


In late September, Susan Crawford invited CharityFocus to speak at the annual "One Web Day" event in New York's Washington Square Park, to collectively reflect the impact of the Internet on our lives.  With endorsement from John Edwards, their publicity material stated: 

Speakers will include Jimmy Wales of Wikipedia, Andrew Baron of Rocketboom, Gale Brewer from the NYC City Council, Birju Pandya from, Dana Spiegel from NYCWireless, Lauren Klein from One Laptop Per Child, and more.
Rollin' deep with jokes et al, Birju rocked the house with his natural eloquence:

If you're curious about what prompted Susan to do this, here is her interview on Rocketboom.


Posted by Nipun Mehta on Nov 27, 2007

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