Smile Cards In Sequoia National Park?
--Dillan Patel
1 minute read
Aug 12, 2011


Last week, my extended family from Mauritius went camping to Sequoia National Park.  Since I love photography, I had taken my equipment and ventured out to take a bunch of photos.  Along the way, I met another stranger and he started giving me tips, considering that I'm only 15. :)  As we started talking, I showed him some of my photos, particularly the Smile Cards ones that I love.  And then, the most amazing thing ... he opened up his wallet and showed me a Smile Card that he had in his wallet!  I couldn't believe it.  We started talking more and when I told him about how I'm interning with CharityFocus, he said he totally knew all about our work!


Posted by Dillan Patel on Aug 12, 2011

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