SF Event Archive 

Help The Homeless


Last Sunday, November 22nd, a group of us went all out to selflessly serve and help the needy in San Francisco. Even though the forecast called for rain, 30 people still took time out of their busy schedules to wake up early and contribute to this project.

We started out with what seemed like a large quantity of food, but within just ninety minutes, over 200 sandwiches and lunches had been prepared! The enthusiasm and cooperation that went into this activity was just remarkable; everyone willingly helped with anything and everything that needed to be done.

Once we made the sandwiches, we split into groups of 3's and headed to various sections of San Francisco. We walked throughout the city looking for the homeless and delivering not only our sandwiches but also our sincerity, empathy, and genuine concern for these fellow humans whom we have so often neglected.

After delivering our goodwill (and the 200 sandwiches), we regrouped to discuss our thoughts and stories. Everyone had their own share of anecdotes, but underneath it all, the experience of the entire event was far beyond what anyone could describe. There is simply no way to articulate how a depressed, tired, and lonely person must've felt when he received some food and compassion from people who wanted nothing in return.

Just a few like-minded people working together with good hearted intentions was all it took to make a difference! Needless to say, everyone wanted to do this again and we are tentatively planning a similar project in the end of January. In the meantime, send us your comments and suggestions at "officers@helpothers.org".

Donation Club Officers.