SF Event Archive 

August, 2002

Dear Volunteers,

Thanks for participating in the Help-The-Homeless event today! On the face of it, six hours of fifty five lives was spent in trying to bring smiles to the homeless; but really, "Fragrance always remains on the hand that gives the rose." (Gandhi)

Pumped-up volunteers started the day with making 350 bagged lunches with a veggie sandwich, banana, cookie and bottled water. We split into small teams and shared the lunches with the homeless, often watching starved mouths enjoy it right in front of our eyes, and feeling deeply touched by their simple yet heartfelt thank-you's and "God bless you's". Four parent-child pairs were doubly touched as the kids' hearts were etched with a unique experience in selflessness; the kids are eager to come back and "do more good"!

Without you, the countless ripples of inspiration would've been impossible ... so thank you for making the time, having the conviction to serve, and giving from your heart.

In service,

HTH Coordinators
(valeri, robin, mona, manal, guri, laura ...)